So in honor of a sweet children’s book about a little girl’s cat who died and how she lists 10 great things about him - So without further ado - 10 GREAT things about Sivi!
1.Sivi was a great guard dog all 10 pounds of her!
2.Even though she acted tough she was a real fun cuddly puppy
3.She loved shabbas naps!
4.She loved going on explorations in her back yard aka The Savannah
5.She was one tough cookie!
6.She was a great eater and loved Chinese food and Challah!
7.She (and Sufi) started are weekly shabbas walks
8.She never slobbered or ate shoes
9.She never held a grudge
10. She made coming home so fun because there was a fury friend waiting for you!
And since I didn’t have a blog when Sufi died here are 10 GREAT things about Sufi!!
1.She gave the best licks!
2.She loved tickles
3.She loved all food, especially Challah!
4.She loved everyone, and probably would have loved a burglar
5.She was the friendliest dog and loved everyone
6.Even tough she was a little short she always tried hard to keep up
7.She loved going for walks
8.She loved taking shabbas naps
9.She was the best manipulator (who could say no to that face)
10. She made coming home so fun because there was a fury friend waiting!
I will always be a dog person, and no matter how many other dogs I have no one will ever replace the love and memories I have of Sivi and Sufi (Frick and Frack) - I have had them for as long as I can remember and I hope for the rest of my life I always have these memories:
1.The Shabbas they got the 2 challot from the counter and ate them in the guest room
2.Their nearly nightly elephant races much they HATED to be brushed they really knew what W-A-L-K spelled
5.The night before Pesach when they got into the trash and dragged the Challah all over the house (miracle they lived past that!)
6. How we figured out they could pull me like little reindeer on my scooter
7.How much they LOVED snow
8. How Sufi couldn’t go up stairs as a puppy
9. How Sivi acted elitist to the end!
10. How much they loved to beg for treats
11. How Tamar Lewkowitz is the only reason they begged for food from the table
12. How excited they got when we came home and we could here them barking the second the garage door was opened
13. How much they loved to explore their Savannah
14. They were always cuddly and loved to curl up on the couch
15. They were too cool for toys
16. The time Mom vacuumed Sivi’s ear up!
17. How they taught the bunny to go down stairs (they regretted that one to the end)
18. How Sivi would nose but any visitor and Sufi would melt and beg for attention (or have an accident from the excitement)
19. How Sufi could make her ears stick straight up
20. How Sivi cold jump so high to get food from your hand
21. How Sivi hated to take medicine and learned to cheek pills while Sufi would glad lake another cream cheese ball with a pill inside
- There are SO many more too!
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