Friday, April 29, 2011

Gone Fishing Kayaking

I decided to throw MTEL studying to the wind today, and boy am I glad I did! Last night Em asked me if I wanted to go kayaking with she and Deb on the Charles River.  I was in faster that you can say whatever MTEL stands for. 

The weather couldn't have been any more perfect, sunny, not a cloud in the sky, temps rights around 70 with a nice breeze.  I think Spring may have sprung in Boston. 

We went down to Kendall Square by MIT to the dock, a perfect place to push off. 
We took a really funny "test" about boat safety. For example, "how should you cross from one shore to another?" "a: look both ways and when it's clear paddle across as quickly as possible" or "b: take as much time as you need."
 I had only been kayaking once before, in Israel on the Jordan River.  The Charles is definitely more scenic.  The conditions rocked, too.  We went out for about an hour or so and went a good distance too.  It was great when we passed another boat house and a couple of tourists waved to us and then proceeded to take our picture.  I now understand what other people may feel like when I do that...
 After we got back, we rewarded ourselves on this glorious sunny day with ice cream! Seriously awesome-tastic Friday in April, not to mention I got enough Vitamin D to make up for all the cloudy and snowy days this winter!

5 thoughts on the matter:

Sian said... {Reply}

aw that sounds like a lovely way to spend you day. I love Boston btw LOVE it! x

Rachel said... {Reply}

Looks like so much fun! Being way out there always scares me when I can't wear my hearing aid! ha :)

Buckeroomama said... {Reply}

I've only gone kayaking a few times and I love it! Great shots of the colorful kayaks all lined up. =)

Shey said... {Reply}

I've never kayaked before but it looks like so much fun!

Simon said... {Reply}

kayaking is great...would love to try it sometime on the Charles. Love that first shot-great angle and long leading line.