Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

I have so much to be grateful for this year. In the craziness of life, teaching, and grad-student-ing, I may forget that I really have a life full of love and people who care about me. 

But today, I am surrounded by those I love most, my mom, Avi, Ben, and Noam. I am so grateful and so happy I have them in my life and that I can celebrate with them.
Happy Thanksgiving, may your celebration be delicious, and your time with loved ones precious!

3 thoughts on the matter:

Sherrie said... {Reply}

Love that picture! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Food for Thought

Anonymous said... {Reply}

Love your picture! I was smiling at it when I remember I am at work, many will think I am weird!

Happy Thanksgiving to all!! Enjoy your day and share many happy moments with the ones you love!

Susan said... {Reply}

LOL, Love your picture!!! Happy Thanksgiving, sounds like you have the perfect day in store.