Monday, November 12, 2012

45th week around the sun

Another crazy week! Emily and I headed up to Salem on Sunday and had a nice time. Then Monday came and the week was off! Tuesday we wrapped up our election unit with the 3rd and 4th graders holding a mock vote - the kids were so into the democratic process, it was awesome. Then, after a long but worth it night on Tuesday, we woke up on Wednesday to a winter storm moving in. By the time I left work, there was over an inch of snow on my car! Friday really rocked when I sent Savannah Guthrie a tweet and she responded! Can't believe that we're just about half way through November, insane, I say! 
Chic Homeschool Mama

8 thoughts on the matter:

Anonymous said... {Reply}

Yay for voting! Now it's all behind us. I voted months ago absentee, and I was spared the annoyance of near constant political ad bombardments that my mom told me about. Here's to not arguing with people on Facebook for another four years! lol.

Lori said... {Reply}

Great week in photos! Love the door, so cool!

EG CameraGirl said... {Reply}

I absolutely LOVE your sea glass collection!

Leovi said... {Reply}

Wonderful photos ... are a beauty. I love it. Greetings.

renae said... {Reply}

Oh my sweet Tamar! Great Post and so many great photos, too. I see you and I had a celebration on election night! (yes). Your photo of your ballot was a nice touch. I could have done that, too. We vote absentee because we don't like waiting in line among many Republicans (Utah/very Red state). None-the-less we stick to our Dem ideas and candidates. We are for the working man. My husband is retired and he DON'T WANT NO fingers on his Soc. Sec.

thanks for the nice remarks on my outfit and courage.... lol.

Sherrie said... {Reply}

Great snapshots! Love the glass. Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day!


packmom said... {Reply}

Cool door and sea glass. Sounds like a nice week.

Chelsea said... {Reply}

Looks like a good week! Yay for snow and the end of the election!