I see your true colors shining through...
Don't be afraid to let them show your true colors...I tend to be a straight out of the camera kind of girl. That or I'll do some subtle editing of my photos to boost the saturation or adjust the contrast or tweak the exposure. I like my photos to look as close to the real scene which I captured.
I also know editing is a hot button issue in the photography world. Everyone's editing ideals and opinions help enrich this artistic community and it's not my place to say who is right or wrong.
I am trying to branch out though, to try different edits, to try seeing my photographs in new light, or new colors. Black and White edits have always been so striking to me. I have long loved the works of Ansel Adams and decided to work on converting some images to black and white. Photos where the color was really the main attraction.
It's really amazing how the true colors can make a photo just as much as two basic colors, black and white, can also make a photo equally striking.
So, while I may still be a color purest, I'm liking exploring all the color options in my photography work.

also...going to do a better job at promoting my Monday link-up!
come join the Good.Random.Fun. each Monday, right here!
17 thoughts on the matter:
I go in both directions - pure processing (absolute on portraits) to artful plays. The reaction to both can be enlightening. My son's take on photography is much more artistic however he plays more with controlling the light/darkness and dramatic poses to get the artistic curve - I lean towards editing it in.
Hi Tamar, you have captured some really beautiful colors. I find my best photographs were taken in natural light outdoors. The sun is the best light source, in my opinion. I am usually a straight out of the camera person too. I don't even own a program to add layers and such, but the camera itself has some adjustments I can make using it's program. I have a Canon SX40. I hope you are having a great week at school.
Love the sunset... great picture to go with this weeks song
Beautiful captures. I know what you mean about both sides of the editing issue...I love to have the option, but I am like you (I stick with the natural) for most part.
I always look at editing choices by a photographer in the same way as paint color and brush choices by a painter. Its all in the vision of the individual artist, no right or wrong. The world would be a boring place full of realists with no impressionists or abstracts. Great thoughts Tamar! Thanks for joining in at Song-ography.
That picture is beautiful! Total beauty in these autumn leaves!
I appreciate both the striking colors and black & white photos! Sometimes it's hard to pick between the two, sometimes it's so obvious!
The editing process is all part of the story we tell. I am a pretty basic editor with my photos...but I do love to play with textures and layering images too. Thankfully we can choose to change or experiment how we do things at any time...and go in a different direction. Have fun!
These photos are very unique and interesting. Great photos, actually. Thanks for you comment to transition the summer pink gingham to fall. ♥
Great pics love them both color and BW
Beautiful autumn leaves!
I know what you mean, and I do love to "play" with black and white. I think it's because I love history and that's how photography started out. I think your leaves photo is especially pretty in black and white. And all the colors are lovely, too!
I love a good black-and-white photo. Stripping down to the image to its barest sometimes lends more impact... That said, it depends on the image (and my mood).
Seems that "true color" is the song of the week! (Visit the link before yours)! I love to exploring colors too, even if I'm not so good in photo editing... But sometimes black and white are way more powerful!
Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful images!
This was neat. I like how you showcased each photo in color and then in Black and White.
I'm pretty much the same as you with photo editing for the most part. I like to experiment every now and then with textures and stuff though.
The flowers are inspiring me to go to the Garden store and flood my porch. Have a great weekend!
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