Monday, November 17, 2014

The Good. The Random. The Fun. v. 46

The Good: 
We're halfway done with our teacher-parent conferences. With 41 students it's a marathon of a day! The first half went well, but a 10 hour day was long and this was one tired teacher the next day!

The Random:
Anyone remember "That 70s Show"? Well, I came across an actual Vista Cruiser there other evening! It's a boat...that runs on water man!

The Fun: 
We had a bit of snow Friday morning. More than the day of snow showers a few weekends ago, not enough to cause issues but enough to excite me!


Now it's your turn...
What good, random, fun did you have last week?
Grab the button and link up here each Monday with something good, random, or fun that happened last week. Share words, photos, or a good random combination of the two!
Then, visit some other links and make new friends!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

    An InLinkz Link-up

15 thoughts on the matter:

Buckeroomama said... {Reply}

I can understand how tired the teachers must feel at the end of the day after a full day of parent-teacher conferences --probably more tired than a regular school day with just the kids! ;p

4 Lettre Words said... {Reply}

Well, you know I'm getting old...and the mom of one of my best friends in the 70's drove a vista cruiser. :) We loved riding in the back facing out! Ha!

Nicki said... {Reply}

hon, I LIVED 'That 70's show'. lol! We thought people with stationwagons were 'da bomb' and if you were lucky, you could ride in the back. Seatbelts - what seatbelts? Stationwagons gave way to mini-vans that gave way to SUVs. Been there and done each and yep, it is purty near like driving a boat. Parking? fo-get-about-it!

Linda Kay said... {Reply}

Bless you for your dedication to being a teacher. I could never do it, and I admire those of you who choose that profession. Not sure I would ever drive a car into water to see if it will float!

Gina Kleinworth said... {Reply}

Love your week - looks like the snow is early everywhere. It's normal to have a dusting or two here at this time - the heavy stuff won't come until Thanksgiving or after.

Kmcblackburn said... {Reply}

Do you have an address where you'd like snow sent?

Leovi said... {Reply}

I really like the composition of the car, a great frame!

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said... {Reply}

Hopefully you'll be getting your wish for more snow soon. I always felt bad for the teachers on conference really is a ton of work for you guys but we so appreciate it!
I loved That 70's Show! Cool find!

Unknown said... {Reply}

We had a Vista Cruiser-like station wagon growing up--wood paneling and all. We called it Noah's Ark.

Suburban Girl said... {Reply}

Lovin' the Send More! That car is a boat!

Ida said... {Reply}

A 10 hour day doesn't sound fun but I'm glad the conferences went well.
What an interesting car.
You crack me up about the snow. If we get any more I'll try to send you some!

Kim Cunningham said... {Reply}

That Vista Cruiser is awesome! Love it! Glad you made it through conferences! Those are killer after a long day.

Unknown said... {Reply}

I have great admiration for you teachers! Those long days can't be easy.

That is one cool car. :)

I wish I could share your enthusiasm about the snow. I am now cold all.the.time. :)

packmom said... {Reply}

How fun to get a little bit of snow in Nov. There has in snow in the mountains here. Hoping for a good ski season this year. Great find on the vista.

Maureen @ Josephina Ballerina said... {Reply}

Tamar, I can hardly believe you have Forty-One students in your class!! Yikes!