Honey, everything's coming up roses!
Honey, everything's coming up roses for me and you!Ronan and spent some time at the Portland Rose Garden. Whomever coined the term, "stop and smell the roses" never toured a rose garden with a 2 year old...
Ronan was off an running the second we got there and was more interested in the dirt mounds, petals on the ground, and anything he could swing on! Miraculously I was able to stop and photograph the roses without Junior Frolic undoing hours of amazing gardening. They have some gorgeous varieties there, all so fragrant and unique.
He charmed the senior garden tour group, met two puppies, and did have a few tranquil moments. It was a beautiful and fun morning with the kiddlet!

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21 thoughts on the matter:
Always a good idea! Tom The Backroads Traveller
I ADORE rose gardens - can't imagine trying to wrangle a toddler in one, though!! Love these pics!
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Looks like a fun day for sure. Great shots of him too.
This kid!
He kills me with that smile of his. Honestly, how long could you ever stay mad at this little dude if he did destroy a rose or two??
so cute, and I love the roses!
yes...I'm sure it was not a relaxing stroll through the garden, but rather an energetic romp!
I love that garden and do not get there often enough.
What a great place - you always have so much fun. Beautiful beautiful roses - I bet it smelled incredible.
Gorgeous roses. I love the Peach colored ones a lot.
Ronan is simply adorable and yes I can see where it would be hard to stop and smell roses with a toddler around but his smile is so darling.
Glad came back today - the cutest pics of your nephew! Never enough roses for me - gorgeous!
What a fun and lovely photo session!
Aww these are such lovely pictures :) Roses are my favourites ...
Gosh what beautiful roses and sweet happy little boy. I love my rose jelly and now will have to have some.
What fun -- a 2-year-old in a rose garden :). I'm sure he charms everyone he meets. The roses are lovely, by the way!
Hi Y'all!
Ah, through the eyes of a child...
Y'all come on by,
Hawk aka BrownDog
The roses are exquisite! I know what you mean about touring a garden with a little guy. I just remember careening around the Botanical Gardens with a stroller pushed by an enthusiastic older kid and a toddler hanging on for dear life while I was trying to point out all the pretty flowers. They were definitely in it for the fountains and the running. Love your pictures, especially the one where he is hanging from the bar.
Such beautiful pictures and he looks like he's really enjoying himself.
I bet he kept you running! What a cutie and those roses are gorgeous!
Looove those roses very very much, they are so lovely... it's brightened up my day just looking at them. And your boy is so cute and happy, I am very glad to see that :-)
Beuatiful roses, Great shot of Roo swinging.
he's adorable and I know what you mean...I raised three boys and now I have a grandson who just turned six but our walks around the neighborhood at that age were very much stop and start. Pick up a stick. Chase a squirrel. Pick up stone an throw them, and on and on : )
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