Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Green Smoothie 2021

Every year around St. Patrick's Day I have fun creating a new, healthy green smoothie. Usually, my green additions are pretty "tame" and not unheard of like avocado, spinach, kale, or even mint. This year I actually forgot to think about a new green add-in and had to make do with what was in the freezer. Which left my only option as...frozen broccoli. 
Before you go "oh no, no way, never" let me start with the disclaimer that like frozen cauliflower in a smoothie, it's really a neutral flavor and pretty darn nutritious! My Ninja Bullet blended the broccoli right up, and the texture was no different than any other smoothie I ever make.
I used my usual base: almond milk, banana, some PB powder, and frozen mango. I also ended up adding in some green grapes too since it wasn't as green as I wanted it and needed a touch more sweetness. 
Sometimes it's just fun to try something new. Can't say tossing broccoli in will be my go-to, but I did feel extra healthy that morning! 
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6 thoughts on the matter:

Natasha said... {Reply}

Okay, this sounds fun. I wonder if I could get broccoli as smooth without a Ninja because I'm super curious...

Dara @ Not In Jersey said... {Reply}

I wonder what the broccoli taste would be like! It's kind of bitter in a way. But go you for experimenting!

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said... {Reply}

This sounds good! Love the bright color!

Lydia C. Lee said... {Reply}

OMG. Good for youbut not sure I could drink that!

csuhpat1 said... {Reply}

That looks and sounds yummy.

Bekah said... {Reply}

Yum! I was trying to teach one of our tenants to put spinach in her smoothie and she couldn't get on board with it. I promised her it wouldn't taste...but she said she just couldn't.