Thursday, October 21, 2021

The Edge

100 floors above Hudson Yards is The Edge NYC. The highest observation deck in the Western Hemisphere! I finally made my way up to the top to take in the stunning area views before real fall and winter weather set in. The elevator takes you 96 floors in just under a minute and you are instantly struck with the views the moment the doors open on floor 100.
 I lucked out with a beyond beautiful blue sky day and the views were insane! You could see all the NY bridges, planes landing at all 3 major airports, Central Park, and more. I felt really safe up there with super high glass walls but my stomach was still dropping each time I got close to the edge. There is one area with a glass floor to stand or sit on. I was good just watching other crazy people do that! This was a fun afternoon and a fun local thing to check off my list. 
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15 thoughts on the matter:

Michele Morin said... {Reply}

I am with you in a solid NOPE on the glass floor.
Stunning views!

Tom said... {Reply}'s way too high for me.

Lea said... {Reply}

Wow! Amazing!
The highest observation deck I have ever been on was about 25 floors.
Have a blessed day!

Dara @ Not In Jersey said... {Reply}

I haven't heard of this! Looks amazing.

LA Paylor said... {Reply}

you turn photos into art...

Daniela said... {Reply}

Oh my!
Your shots are stunning, true works of art!
Thanking you for hosting,
I'm wishing you a most lovely remainder of your week
XO Daniela at ~ My little old world ~ (Dany)

Cloudia said... {Reply}

Very cool Tamar thank you!

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said... {Reply}

I would have a love/hate relationship with that place! You got some amazing shots!

Sara Chapman in Seattle USA said... {Reply}

I absolutely adore your tours of NYC. Thank you so much for posting. Fabulous weather you had. When I lived in NYC in the 70s and earlier it was always disgusting air.

Natasha said... {Reply}

This looks really amazing although I don't think I could do the glass floor either. Ack.

Joanne said... {Reply}

OH wow! What amazing views! You could not have asked for a better day to take photos.

Tea With Jennifer said... {Reply}

Lovely views! I've only been up 70 floors... wow 100! Crazy!
And I'm with you Tamar! No glass floors for me either!

Bekah said... {Reply}

Oh I want to go! I am so insanely terrified of heights, but I am also so insanely drawn to safe-feeling views from them!! I did do the glass bottom floor at the Willis Tower and it remains one of my greatest accomplishments over fear.

Shelbee on the Edge said... {Reply}

Oh how cool, Tamar! Of course, I love that it is called The Edge! But I could never go up there. I am way too afraid of heights. I can’t even walk near the railing on the second floor of a shopping mall without getting vertigo! Haha. You had a beautiful day for this sky high viewing of the city. Thanks for sharing these cool pictures.


csuhpat1 said... {Reply}

Wow, so very beautiful. What an amazing view.