Thursday, September 1, 2022

Dutchess County Fair

Everyone loves a county fair, right? We drove up to Rhinebeck over the weekend to check out the Dutchess County Fair. It was a fun afternoon and quite the fair. We strolled through the barns, checking out all the gorgeous livestock animals. The 4H kids had some amazing lambs and goats and even adorable rabbits and guinea pigs!
There were tons of rides and carnival games. While I love a good boardwalk ride, I prefer ones anchored to the ground versus ones that can be driven on and off the fair grounds, so I just people-watched! There were lots of vendors and other various sights to take in. All in all, a true summer's day!

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11 thoughts on the matter:

kwarkito said... {Reply}

a joyful and friendly country excursion. The pictures are very nice

Tom said... {Reply}

...Americana at its best.

Tea With Jennifer said... {Reply}

I love a country Fair Tamar! We call them 'country shows' here in Australia. Each region has one annually.
Our biggest is the Sydney Easter Show where all regions send their stock & produce to showcase.
Blessings, Jennifer

Shelbee on the Edge said... {Reply}

Aw, it looks like you had a wonderful time, Tamar! I actually cannot stand fairs or carnivals or amusement parks! The crowds make me uncomfortable and the smells make me sick but I definitely enjoy the people watching!


Michele Morin said... {Reply}

This is county fair season, and there's always so much nostalgia connected with the agricultural aspect.

Dara @ Not In Jersey said... {Reply}

I love county fairs!

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said... {Reply}

I agree with you about rides that aren't permanent. That looked like a fun day!

Joanne said... {Reply}

That looks like a fun fair! I don't much like rides that are portable either and I try to ignore that fact whenever we go to a local fair.

Cloudia said... {Reply}

Oh that was a beautiful summer fair! Thanks for taking us along and for hosting today

Lovely said... {Reply}

What a lovely fair! Great pictures!

Lucy said... {Reply}

What a fun fair for the summer! Looks like you had a blast.