Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Canstruction 2022

Brookfield Place in Lower Manhattan held its Canstruction event again this year. In a partnership with City Harvest, engineers, contractors, and architects were challenged to create works of art out of canned goods. The creations were super creative this year!
It is truly amazing what you can do with some cans and creativity. It is nice to know that these works of art will have gone on to help feed those who are food insecure in the city. Works of art to acts of love and kindness thanks to City Harvest!
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10 thoughts on the matter:

kwarkito said... {Reply}

these ephemeral sculptures made of tins are truly amazing. It's a wonderful idea, and it's great that you photographed them. I wish you a happy TG

Tom said... {Reply}

...these sure are impressive.

Natasha said... {Reply}

These are AMAZING!!! I love going to Canstruction and now I want to visit this one. The Sphinx is my favourite.

Lisa notes... said... {Reply}

People's creativity never cease to amaze me! These are incredible pieces of architecture. I just don't understand how ideas like this are thought of and carried out, but I'm glad they are. :) And for a good cause as well. No one should have to go hungry.

Dara @ Not In Jersey said... {Reply}

We had this once by us and it was so cool to see.

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said... {Reply}

That is so cool!! Such creativity!

roentare said... {Reply}

Fantastic Lego here. So creative

Life Images by Jill, West Australia said... {Reply}

You always manage to bring us some amazing city street art. And this is another fantastic example. Thankyou. Happy Thanksgiving, enjoy your week, stay safe, and thankyou again for the linkup.

csuhpat1 said... {Reply}

That is so cool on so many levels. Very nice. Thanks for sharing this.

Bekah said... {Reply}

Mind blown!!! These are amazing!!