Thursday, December 28, 2023

The Upper East Side at Christmas

I took a nice stroll down the Upper East Side to find some of the beautifully decked Brownstones. Just like Halloween, the decorations are quite spectacular and festive! They ranged from tasteful and slightly understated to flashy and ornate!
A wonderfully festive array giving the city blocks a nice pop of pizzaz at this time of year! 

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11 thoughts on the matter:

rupam sarma said... {Reply}

Awesome photos.
Thanks a lot for hosting :) Greetings

Shelbee on the Edge said... {Reply}

Fabulous photos, Tamar! These decorations are amazing! Wishing you a wonderful new year filled with light, love, and laughter!


aspiritofsimplicity said... {Reply}

So beautiful! Happy New Year!

Tom said... {Reply}'s amazing what money and taste can do together!!!

Dara @ Not In Jersey said... {Reply}

Very pretty!

Joanne said... {Reply}

They really are so pretty!

Melynda@Scratch Made Food! said... {Reply}

So much beauty! I always love viewing your photos, originally from Marin County CA, my greatest memories from childhood are driving into "the city" of San Francisco. Thanks for a great weekly visit!

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said... {Reply}

Walking in this area would be a pleasure during the holidays.

LA Paylor said... {Reply}

how beautifully fancy like you're in a movie set

Esme Slabbert said... {Reply}

WOW, so pretty and for sure upper class. Thanks for hosting
I linked up this week with = 24+25+26

Natasha said... {Reply}

Those are so fun!!!