Thursday, February 8, 2024

Snowy Scenes

We haven't had a blockbuster storm this year, but we have gotten more than in past years. I just love the neighborhood when the snow is still fresh and the plows and shovels haven't gotten to the blanket of white yet. 
I am still holding out hope for one big blizzard this year, but at least my snow loving heart has been satisfied for the time being!

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8 thoughts on the matter:

rupam sarma said... {Reply}

Wonderful clicks.

Tom said... {Reply}

...gorgeous and rare this year for us.

Amy Johnson said... {Reply}

We have gotten very little snow this year too, which is very odd for Wisconsin. Thanks for the party.

Dara @ Not In Jersey said... {Reply}

Very striking in black and white.

Lisa notes... said... {Reply}

Your snow is so beautiful! I have to observe it only through pictures. This last storm gave us mostly a layer of ice on the ground. Not pretty or easy to walk on. ha.

Cloudia said... {Reply}

Thank you for taking me to play in the beautiful snow 🌨️ Aloha

Esme Slabbert said... {Reply}

I am with you, love the snow - we did get one big dump of around 30cm but long gone already. Enjoy the snow and thanks for hosting
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Anonymous said... {Reply}

Snow is gorgeous and so are your pictures! I think I'd be fine with moving on to spring, but I'm sure we are not done with the snow yet. Maybe I'll just let you enjoy it and I'll look at the pictures you take! :) - Bekah