Monday, May 13, 2024

The Good. The Random. The Fun. v. 19

The Good:
We snuck in a nice walk/bike ride between rain showers at the dam. It was so pretty to see the trees popping with fresh green leaves!

The Random:
Crustless...bread....well then.

The Fun:
We went bowling over the weekend for a much needed date night. Judah smoked me, but I had some good strikes!

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7 thoughts on the matter:

Tom said... {Reply}

...the crust is the best part.

Anonymous said... {Reply}

The trees have fully filled out here, too! I LOVE seeing them across the water! Judah has good bowling form! I took a class in bowling in college and ended up worse than when I started. LOL!!! - Bekah

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said... {Reply}

If that crustless bread is low carb then it is a good thing!
I have not bowled in ages! Judah has great form and strength so I'm sure he had an advantage.
Have a wonderful week ahead!

Slabs said... {Reply}

Crustless bread... ?
Love bowling and have not done it in ages, maybe I should get hubby to go again.
Thanks for hosting, Tamar, and having me over, and sharing with your readers.
My entries are numbered #23+24
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Cloudia said... {Reply}

But the crust is my favorite! LOL


packmom said... {Reply}

That Dam walk/ride looks amazing and how fun to bowl. I need to get my family out doing that again one of these too hot to be outside days this summer.

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said... {Reply}

He looks like a serious bowler! Crustless bread..ultimate convenience but I love the crust!