Sunday, March 2, 2025

Scav Hunt Sunday: Sculpture and Space

Albertine Books on the East Side - a stunning French Language bookshop. 

L is For:
That is a lot of legos.

S is For:
the Statue of Liberty on the side of a building.

Peeling paint on a blue wall.

Long Exposure:
Rush hour at Grand Central. 

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4 thoughts on the matter:

Joanne said... {Reply}

That bookstore looks incredible!

Anonymous said... {Reply}

I'll pass, after that woman was burned to death and all the folks pushed in front of subway trains, NY is the last place I'd visit.

Natasha said... {Reply}

Oh, that bookstore looks incredible!

Dara @ Not In Jersey said... {Reply}

I love these, and the bookstore looks amazing!