Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Jewish Holidays are like Thanksgiving, on overdrive...two day overdrive. I am still stuffed two days after the eating celebrating ended.

Looking back on the menu I am beginning to wonder if the foods that were stuffed themselves played a part in my own stuffed-ness...
We had zucchinis stuffed with lentils, tomatoes, onions, and zucchini. I wonder if stuffing a zucchini with its own zucchini can cause some crazy mad zucchini disease...
The apples we dipped in honey were even "stuffed," although I doubt the "honey" in honeycrisp comes from actual honey!
Even our new fruits were stuffed. The sabra was stuffed full of sweet juicy fruit and the asian pear, well its a stretch but it was stuffed full of sweetness.
I even "stuffed" a fish shaped platter with gefilte fish, over stuffed? Not yet any ways....
Then came the cookies stuffed with honey...

And the apple cake stuffed with, well I just gave that away, apples...
So I am stuffed, stuffed like a zucchini boat on Rosh Hashana...how many weeks do I get until I get stuffed on Thanksgiving?

Shana Tova!!

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