Thursday, January 6, 2011


Well today we said good-bye to an old friend, our C-RV of 7 years.  We lovingly (when it was working) referred to this car as, "Car" (yes we name our cars) and it was a really good car, despite its occasional tendency to act up.  

Today I was driving the car and realized it would be my last time driving it alone before we traded it in for the new wheels.  I sat there in the car thinking about the past 7 years with it and I actually got a little emotional.  I realized that in the 7 years since we drove Car home:

- I got my driver's permit.
- I got my driver's license.
- It drove Avi to her wedding.
- I drove car to my last day of high school.
- I went to college in Car.
- We drove Car when we moved to NY.
- For four summers it was my set of wheels.
- Car drove all my things home after I graduated college.
- We took Car to Canada.
- It didn't get to drive me to Boston, but brought more of my stuff up the next month.
- We drove a grand 94,877 miles, in 10 states and one country.

It was sad to leave Car at the dealership, but we are already becoming acquainted with our new set of wheels.  It's a beautiful dark blue Kia Sportage and right now it's name is Luna.

Here's to many miles and memories Luna!

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