Friday, May 13, 2011


....why the English language is hard to learn:

the bangage was wound around the wound...

the farm was used to produce produce...

the dump was so full it had to refuse more refuse...

he could lead if he would get the lead out...

the soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert...

since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present...

I did not object the object...

the insurance was invalid for the invalid...

to help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow...

there was a row among the oarsmen about how to row...

Confused yet? I learned these in my reading class this semester.  I can go into a whole shpiel about context, semantics, and sytax, but I'll just say that being able to read and decode is something I do not take for granted!

4 thoughts on the matter:

Buckeroomama said... {Reply}

This is what is so fascinating (and challenging!) about learning language... any language. :)

Bek said... {Reply}

I've seen this somewhere before, but still love it!! Languages can be so much fun!

Rachelle said... {Reply}

I totally dreaded my class in semantics. More diagraming of sentences than I ever wanted or needed. I think I should share these with my ELL/ESOL students.

Serline said... {Reply}

If you think those give you headaches, come learn Chinese instead ;-P