Monday, December 10, 2012

49 weeks around the sun

Marching towards the end of the year! This week was a bit hectic, but not that bad. School was busy with lots of Chanukah preparations! The kids are so excited for the holiday and on Friday a bunch of them performed in the Chanukah assembly; they played "I had a little dreidel" on their recorders - so adorable! Saturday also marked the 12th anniversary of my bat mitzvah! It happened half my life ago, which is just insane! Saturday night saw the start of Chanukah and I had a fun night at friends' where we pigged out on sushi and watched some movies!
Chic Homeschool Mama

9 thoughts on the matter:

Unknown said... {Reply}

Love the Lego menorah!!!! : )
Gary wants a new iPhone for Christmas. Do you love it so far?

Anita Johnson said... {Reply}

Nice pictures...gotta love legos!I have an iphone2, an upgrade for me from my nephew...I bet the 5 is excellent!

Buckeroomama said... {Reply}

I love visiting here and getting a glimpse of the learning/teaching resources you use.

I know I'm getting a phone upgrade for Christmas, but it won't be an iPhone. :)

renae said... {Reply}

Tamar! happy chanukah! and got an iphone!!! wow! you are so cute.

yes, go get the silly tripod, before they are out of stock again. i had to go to the target 20 away, cuz mine still didn't have any. my daughter and her cute baby (in my profile pic) were with me.

Gina Kleinworth said... {Reply}

Excellent pics. My mom just upgraded to the 5 while she was here. But that was because her 3S fell in a bucket of water while we were traveling. Nothing like being in the middle of nowhere & looking down to see your phone in water, not knowing how long it was in there & not being able to do anything to fix it. She was surprisingly calm. I would have been hysterical. Good thing she didn't make the upgrade before the trip like she had planned.

Leovi said... {Reply}

Yes, beautiful compositions, I like, especially candlelight, really lovely.

Kim said... {Reply}

Love the candles! Simply gorgeous and reflective. Enjoy your celebrations!

Buttercup said... {Reply}

The Lego menorah is great! Happy Chanukah.

packmom said... {Reply}

Great pictures. Looks like lots of fun this week with lots of different gadgets and toys!