Monday, February 9, 2015

The Good. The Random. The Fun. v. 2.6

The Good:
Over the weekend, I made a batch of tilapia corn chowder, perfect for another snowy weekend!

The Random:
We had another snow storm...on Groundhog's Day...the snarky, snowy, humor is starting to come out around here!

The Fun:
I hit the slopes last weekend, a very cold day, but a great day on the slopes in NH. I highly recommend Mt. Sunapee!

And once again, it's snowing on a Monday. The new running joke "Massachusettes doesn't do Mondays" - we should get 2ish feet by the time it's all over (ha, over?).


    An InLinkz Link-up

24 thoughts on the matter:

4 Lettre Words said... {Reply}

Oooh...yummy chowder!

Suburban Girl said... {Reply}

My almost 80 year old mother in law is in New Hampshire for a snow shoeing expedition. That lady is unstoppable!

Nicki said... {Reply}

My daughter is "so over" this thing called winter. Said she is starting to feel like a sherpa transversing the snowy campus.

The chowder looks yummy and the slopes fun, but I'll be heading South here shortly for what we old folks call "winter" a/k/a Florida. :)

Claudia W | ImagesByCW said... {Reply}

I could not live up there. All that snow and ice we have here in NJ is already too much.
Love that corn chowder.

Anonymous said... {Reply}

I love the snarky humor. What else can you do? :)

Carol Blackburn said... {Reply}

Enjoy your day off. That chowder looks wonderful.

Gina Kleinworth said... {Reply}

Oh wow - you really are getting all of our winter. Thinking of you - that soup looks fabulous. Glad you are making the most of it all by going skiing.

renae said... {Reply}

Great snow pics!!! Have a super hop and it still great to be back. I think it is great that you loved the iphone case. It's a CAMERA, huh? ♥

Kmcblackburn said... {Reply}

Yum...I love chowders of most ANY kind...but this DOES look delish!

Leovi said... {Reply}

Wonderful photos, beautiful blue colors in the sky

Adrienne said... {Reply}

The wolf eating the groundhog is my favorite. There have been a few wiht Moses parting the snow that are cute. I'm just so grateful for power!

Unknown said... {Reply}

That Chowder does look yummy.. Enjoy that snow my friend.


Anonymous said... {Reply}

It'll be "over" about June! That's when our winter seemed to end last year.

Linda Kay said... {Reply}

Your snowfall in the east has been relentless this year. Glad you enjoy the slopes!

Kim Cunningham said... {Reply}

I'd be more than happy to trade you a Georgia winter week for a Boston winter week...just once though.

Anita Johnson said... {Reply}

Look at all that snow! You look like you are enjoying the snow more than me. But I di go with my 88 year old mom to see the eagles on the river this weekend...I didn't notice the cold at all!

Buckeroomama said... {Reply}

Corn chowder - with anything --always sounds good!

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said... {Reply}

That chowder looks yummy and perfect for all that snow!! Love the snow humor! I can't believe all the snow you guys have gotten!!

Leesha said... {Reply}

This is crazy, but I noticed today that my daffodils are coming up!! Seriously?! I couldn't believe it. We had a record high in the 60's this week. Feels like spring and its February.

Buttercup said... {Reply}

I'm a new visitor from Deanna's blog. Will stop by one Monday to join the linkup. Hope the next Monday doesn't bring the same gift. My New England friends and relatives are not sure when they will see their decks again.

Unknown said... {Reply}

Skiing sounds like such fun! I really must try it sometime! The graphic with the wolf was going around Facebook. I think I shared it too. :) Yummy chowder for a cold day!

Claire Justine said... {Reply}

Lovely pictures, snow and blue skies make amazing pictures :)

packmom said... {Reply}

So glad you made it out to go skiing. My husband is skiing today. Lucky bum! Love all your snow pictures.

Anonymous said... {Reply}

That chowder looks yummy. I can't belive you guys have another storm coming. Hope you stay safe and warm.