Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Doggy Bags

 Who let the dogs out...
woof, woof, woof
Who let the dogs out...
woof, woof, woof...

{Who Let The Dogs Out -- Baha Men}

I started following some NY "things to see" IG accounts and this caught my eye...6 giant sculptures of dogs in the Garment District of NYC. 

Each dog is 4x the breeds real-life size and made from plastic bags and duct tape. Maisy, a pug; Stanley, a basset hound; Spicy, a chihuahua; Harriet, an English bulldog; Gomer, a bull mastiff; and Daphne, a vizsla. 

I will say, a vizla and bull mastiff 4x their normal size = HUGE dogs! I love me some public art and this was a fun excuse to get back into the city to explore again.
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10 thoughts on the matter:

Natasha said... {Reply}

I can't believe those are made from plastic bags. They're incredible!

Tom said... {Reply}

...a number of years ago we had Horses on Parade, but dogs are a hoot!

Lydia C. Lee said... {Reply}

You sound like me - you see something on Insta and then you have to run out and see it in real life. Ha! (And take photos and put it on Insta...)

fredamans said... {Reply}

Love all of those art dogs!

csuhpat1 said... {Reply}

So very cool and they are made from plastic bags. Very nice.

Life Images by Jill said... {Reply}

amazing. We saw something similar to this a few years ago, the signs of the Chinese zodiac, in Sydney for Chinese New Year a few years ago. Stay safe and enjoy your week.

Jackie McGuinness said... {Reply}

I LOVE street art too! These are adorable.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said... {Reply}

Fun and colorful dogs on parade!

Handmade in Israel said... {Reply}

Wow! These are wonderful (and huge!). How fun to be able to go out and see them.

Ida said... {Reply}

Wow you always find the coolest things. These are awesome.