Thursday, December 10, 2020

Light Up the World

Happy Chanukah! 
The festival of lights begins tonight and is just what the world needs right now. 
Lights in the dark. 
Few against many. 
“There always were two ways to live in a world that is often dark and full of tears. We can curse the darkness or we can light a light, and as the Chassidim say, a little light drives out much darkness. May we all help light up the world.”
—Rabbi Jonathan Sacks z”l
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18 thoughts on the matter:

Handmade in Israel said... {Reply}

Chanukah sameach! Enjoy the holiday x

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said... {Reply}

Happy Chaunkah!

Joanne said... {Reply}

Happy Chanukah!

Shelbee on the Edge said... {Reply}

Happy Chanukah, Tamar! What a wonderful post! It is so true that darkness cannot exist when we shine a little light into it! Keep shining bright, my friend!


Tom said... {Reply}

...may your days always be filled with light.

Lisa notes... said... {Reply}

I love this: "Lights in the dark.
Few against many.
Yes! We all need these. May we go be these, as we're able.

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said... {Reply}

Beautiful! Enjoy your holiday! I need some latkes!

Lea said... {Reply}

Happy Holidays!
Have a blessed day!

Natasha said... {Reply}

Happy Channukah!

Meditations in Motion said... {Reply}

I have always loved that quote and never knew the source. Thank you! Happy Chanukah, Tamar!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said... {Reply}

Happy Chanukah Tamar!

csuhpat1 said... {Reply}

Happy Chanukah to you and your family.

Mun said... {Reply}

Happy Chanukah Tamar!

Elizabeth Walker said... {Reply}

Happy Chanukah to you and your family!

Phototrims said... {Reply}

Happy Channukah!

Asia Clipping said... {Reply}

Happy Chanukah Tamar!
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