Sunday, December 13, 2020

Scav Hunt Sunday: Flocked and Fuzzy

Cozy season is here!

The last of the hydrangeas. 

Flocking is apparently the "it" thing to do these days?

Naked trees!

Pine cones.

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the Good.Random.Fun. each Monday and Little Things Thursday...right here!

10 thoughts on the matter:

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said... {Reply}

your collection looks like December to me

Kim Carberry said... {Reply}

Fantastic photos. I love how you make the simplest things look so amazing! x

Natasha said... {Reply}

I am not into the flocking trend. I don't understand it... But maybe because it's meant to make trees look like they have snow on them and I can see that when I look outside so why would I want it in my house?!?!

Also, I echo what the commenter above me said, "I love how you make the simplest things look so amazing!"

Bekah said... {Reply}

Cozy and flocked are basically the only two things I need for home right now!!

Dara @ Not In Jersey said... {Reply}

I don't know what flocking even is!

Soma @ said... {Reply}

Beautiful photos! Love the first one, so cosy!


Chickenruby said... {Reply}

I'm back in Dubai for winter, really strange to have Christmas in the sun, love your photo's, reminds me of what winter is like #mysundayphoto

Photalife said... {Reply}

Ooo I love that blue sky and tree, looks like a photo I took the other day

Thank you for linking up

SarahMummy said... {Reply}

Hydrangeas always look amazing when they are dying. I didn't know that 'flocking' a Christmas tree was the thing to do these days. It doesn't seem very environmentally friendly.

Thomas Bridgers said... {Reply}

These are awesome blog posts.
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