Monday, July 24, 2023

The Good. The Random. The Fun. v. 29

The Good:
Nothing better than fresh {gluten-free} challah!

The Random:
Pretty funny placement of a running store and a massage gun store right next to each other at the mall!

The Fun:
There is an awesome statue of USA soccer player, Alex Morgan in midtown. It's an awesome celebration of the whole woman's team and one of the players who's led the team to many a victory! Go USA!

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the Good.Random.Fun. each Monday and Little Things Thursday...right here!

10 thoughts on the matter:

Tea With Jennifer said... {Reply}

All for gluten free 😊

roentare said... {Reply}

That soccer player statue is fun to see

Tom said... {Reply}

...I that the women do well.

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said... {Reply}

That is a cool statue! Challah looks delicious!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said... {Reply}

Good luck to US Women's Soccer!! We have been watching some games when they are on at a good time.

Esmé Slabbert said... {Reply}

Thank you for your time weekly in hosting, much appreciated

I have linked up this week with =25+26.
If you have not joined us at SSPS yet, this is a personal invite to come and share your awesome post/s with us
You will find the linkup information (1) In the Top bar under Blogging: Weekly Senior Salon Pit Stop OR 2nd image In the sidebar.
We hope to meet you there virtually.

Joanne said... {Reply}

That challah looks delicious!

Lydia C. Lee said... {Reply}

We are enjoying the football greatly at the moment here. I went to the live site. I have to admit Rapinoe is the only US player I know, but she's FABULOUS so I guess that's why! I love that you guys are getting a bit of the fun from afar.

Cloudia said... {Reply}

A wonderful post today. Now I want challah! Aloha

packmom said... {Reply}

Love that soccer player statue and the team.