Thursday, November 16, 2023

Feltz Bagels

This might be the coolest Jewish deli I have ever been to and none of it is's all made from felt!! The Feltz Bagel pop-up shop was in the East Village for the month of October and I was so glad I could swing a trip down there. The felt deli is the work of artist Lucy Sparrow and was so whimsical!
The shop had everything you would expect a Jewish deli to have (complete with a back room full of illicit items like liquor and cigarettes and other 21+ items!). Every item in the shop was for sale - a feast for the eyes only! Each piece was made by hand, by Sparrow and you could find everything from lox to pickles to cheese to eggs to hummus!

There was a selection of pantry items, the infamous NYC coffee cups, and a variety of deserts including black and white cookies! 

It was such a fun experience and everyone who came in and out while I was there was oo-ing and ah-ing at the creativity! 

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12 thoughts on the matter:

Handmade in Israel said... {Reply}

Gosh! How wonderful! Some much work went into this. Did you buy a piece?

Soma @ said... {Reply}



Moois van mie said... {Reply}


Joanne said... {Reply}

That is the cutest!

Natasha said... {Reply}

This looks SO cool!!! Thank you for experiencing these kinds of things and then sharing them with us so we can (vicariously) experience them too!

Dara @ Not In Jersey said... {Reply}

This is so cool. I would have wanted to buy it all!

Amy Johnson said... {Reply}

I've never seen a cuter shop, but I'm perplexed what someone would do with the felt items, and are those prices for real? Thanks for the party.

Esmé Slabbert said... {Reply}

What a lovely outing and experience.
Thank you for hosting and have a great day and weekend.
I linked up this week with = 30+32. Hope you will join us M-S SeniorSalonPitStop and W-S #WordlessWednesday. You will find both under BLOGGING.

LA Paylor said... {Reply}

oh my word

roentare said... {Reply}

Embroidery selection looks so special

Tea With Jennifer said... {Reply}


Heather{Our Life In a Click} said... {Reply}

This is adorable!