Thursday, June 13, 2024

MET Roof Garden 2024

Summertime in NYC means it is time for a new installation on the MET's rooftop. This year, Petrit Halilaj's Arebtare is the featured work between now and fall. His sculptures were inspired by childhood doodles he found on the desks of his former school in Kosovo, in addition to other student’s desks in Albanian and Yugosloavian schools. Arbetare symbolizes a generation of students who faced traumatic environmental conflicts in the 90s and pays homage to various pop culture references, sports, political ideologies, and art history.
There was a serious whimsy to these works. They really did feel like a child's doodle brought to life. The seem so big, yet so small dwarfed in the foreground of the midtown Manhattan skyline. I lucked out with a really empty roof top when I was there and could really take in the pieces from all angles without too many others around! A perfect addition to the MET for the summer season. 

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9 thoughts on the matter:

Tom said... {Reply} doodles never looked this good.

Amy Johnson said... {Reply}

They certainly look like children's doodles. How fun!

Michelle said... {Reply}

They do look like children’s doodles, but the back story is heart breaking.

Slabs said... {Reply}

Totally agree all this artwork seriously looks like doodling.
Thanks, Tamar, for hosting and having me over weekly.
My entries this week are numbered #21+22.
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Melynda@Scratch Made Food! said... {Reply}

You captured all the "feels" with your photos. Children's doodles often tell so many stories.

rupam sarma said... {Reply}

Looks amazing

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said... {Reply}

How cool is that!?!

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said... {Reply}
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Dara @ Not In Jersey said... {Reply}

These are pretty cool!