The Good:
The sunsets have been stunning lately! I caught this one this week -- makes the cold worth it!
The Random:
Because everyone needs a giant red bulldog for their house?
The Fun:
I had all of our wedding cards made into a photo book through the company Artkive and it just came back to us! Now we have all the cards and memories without random cards in a box!
9 thoughts on the matter:
I love that idea with the cards Tamar!
That sunset is stunning!
I am interested in the giant lips on top of the high heel. It makes me wonder what happened to the rest of the body.
...lots of neat random stuff in that shop.
That's a cool idea with the cards!
That photo book of the cards is such a great idea!
I love that idea about your wedding cards! Did you photograph the front, insides and backs of the cards? The sunsets have been stunning!
What an amazing idea for having your cards made into a book and keepsake.
Thanks, for hosting, Tamar, and enjoy your week.
My entries this week are numbered #20+21
Hope you will join SSPS
Beautiful sunset and great idea for the wedding cards!
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