Monday, December 16, 2024

The Good. The Random. The Fun. v. 50

The Good:
The sunsets have been stunning lately! I caught this one this week -- makes the cold worth it!

The Random:
Because everyone needs a giant red bulldog for their house?

The Fun:
I had all of our wedding cards made into a photo book through the company Artkive and it just came back to us! Now we have all the cards and memories without random cards in a box!

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9 thoughts on the matter:

Tea With Jennifer said... {Reply}

I love that idea with the cards Tamar!

Joanne said... {Reply}

That sunset is stunning!

aspiritofsimplicity said... {Reply}

I am interested in the giant lips on top of the high heel. It makes me wonder what happened to the rest of the body.

Tom said... {Reply}

...lots of neat random stuff in that shop.

Dara @ Not In Jersey said... {Reply}

That's a cool idea with the cards!

Amy Johnson said... {Reply}

That photo book of the cards is such a great idea!

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said... {Reply}

I love that idea about your wedding cards! Did you photograph the front, insides and backs of the cards? The sunsets have been stunning!

Slabs said... {Reply}

What an amazing idea for having your cards made into a book and keepsake.
Thanks, for hosting, Tamar, and enjoy your week.
My entries this week are numbered #20+21
Hope you will join SSPS

packmom said... {Reply}

Beautiful sunset and great idea for the wedding cards!