Monday, January 6, 2025

The Good. The Random. The Fun. v. 1

The Good:
Noam came in for a solo trip to see my mom and us! Fresh off the plane we took him to Zoo Lights and he enjoyed the hugest marshmallow and make your own s'more!

The Random:
We spent a day in the city and had a good chuckle at all the NYE confetti flying around and stuck to the sidewalks, even 48 hours later! 

The Fun:
We packed a lot of fun in over a few days! We went bowling on New Year's Day, went to the American History Museum, and walked around NYC a bit! He went to the Lego Store and minigolfin with my mom and did virtual reality gaming with Judah! 

Come link up and join...
the Good.Random.Fun. each Monday and Little Things Thursday...right here!

11 thoughts on the matter:

Tea With Jennifer said... {Reply}

Wow that was a grand time with Noam Tamar! ☺️

aspiritofsimplicity said... {Reply}

What fun!

Anonymous said... {Reply}

You are the best hosts! This all sounds so fun! - Bekah

Tom said... {Reply}

...have a fun filled new year.

Melynda@Scratch Made Food! said... {Reply}

2025 looks to be a busy year from the starting gate!

Dara @ Not In Jersey said... {Reply}

Sounds like a good time!

Cloudia said... {Reply}

Glad you are enjoying! Aloha

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said... {Reply}

What a fun filled, jam packed visit. It's so cool he can visit on his own now. That marshmallow was huge!

Beth Watson said... {Reply}

THANK YOU for hosting inspirational linky parties! Happy New Year!

packmom said... {Reply}

How fun to have Noam visit by himself and it looks like you all showed him a great time. Happy New Year!

Natasha said... {Reply}

Yay for a lot of fun! I read somewhere that crews come in and clean up the confetti after everyone has left the Times Square party but we also saw confetti lying around when we were there after New Years in 2019.