Monday, March 17, 2025

The Good. The Random. The Fun. v. 11

The Good:
I made an excellent batch of Hamantashen for Purim! Always a tasty way to mark the fun holiday.

The Random:
Not that anyone should be smoking...but this is too hilarious! 

The Fun:
We shipped up to Boston for the weekend! So fun to be back and have Judah with me this time.

Come link up and join...
the Good.Random.Fun. each Monday and Little Things Thursday...right here!

11 thoughts on the matter:

Anonymous said... {Reply}

That ash tray is hilarious!! - Bekah

Tom said... {Reply}

...the batch of Hamantashen look great!

Laura @ Our Grand Lives said... {Reply}

"Mary Kate & Ash" were on our screens continuously when our girls were little! That ash tray is too funny!

Slabs said... {Reply}

Seen this type of cookie before, but now did some research and its awesome looking.
Thanks, Tamar for hosting, enjoy your week
My entries this week #13+14
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Lydia C. Lee said... {Reply}

That ashtray is funny

Cloudia said... {Reply}

Thanks for sharing your happiness with us! It's a mitzvah.

Cloudia said... {Reply}

Now I went hamantashan

Natasha said... {Reply}

That ashtray is hilarious! And Sam loves a good pair of decorative socks!!!

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said... {Reply}

I love that ashtray! I hope you got him the Trophy Husband socks! That Hamantanshen looks amazing!

Dara @ Not In Jersey said... {Reply}

The hamentashen look great! I was lucky to have Gabbie home to make us some too!

packmom said... {Reply}

Those look like yummy holiday treats and how fun to spend time in Boston together. I've never been but it's on my list.