Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Florals in Fashion: Orchids 2024

A true sign that spring is around the corner is the NYBG's orchid show opening! This year's show was really different and really super spectacular. Judah, my mom, and I all went on a dreary grey day and it was just the pop of warmth and color that we needed!

This year's theme was Florals in Fashion and there were several mannequins (human and otherwise...) that had floral fashion designs as their 'clothing' - truly an imaginative use of orchids and other plants!
We really lucked out and the conservatory wasn't so busy which made it so much easier to really see and appreciate each orchid and each amazing mannequin creation! We went on Oscar Sunday so it was fun to make some jokes about these being red carpet looks we could easily see on tv that night!

Bring on spring and all the florals now!

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3 thoughts on the matter:

Dara @ Not In Jersey said... {Reply}

Those displays are so cool.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said... {Reply}

Such beautiful orchids nd displays! Always a joy to see in winter!

Natasha said... {Reply}

Oh my gosh! I would LOVE to see that!!!