Monday, February 24, 2025

The Good. The Random. The Fun. v. 8

The Good:
We came down to Florida for a few days of fun in the sun! It's been one of the coldest winters in the last decade so we were desperate for a bit of warmth.

The Random:
Seeing cruise ships come in and out of Miami harbor is pretty insane - they are as long as the neighboring skyscrapers are tall!

The Fun:
We marked our half-wedding anniversary on Saturday! We spent the day out and about in South Beach enjoying together time!

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11 thoughts on the matter:

Joanne said... {Reply}

Oh that sounds like a perfect winter escape!

Anonymous said... {Reply}

Warm looks so inviting. I'm so glad you were able to go! - Bekah

Lisa notes... said... {Reply}

Glad you found some warmth in Florida! Beaches are my favorites. :)

Tom said... {Reply}

...keep looking up!

gluten Free A_Z Blog said... {Reply}

We live in Miami for 6 months of the year and it never ceases to amaze us.. We love it, the beaches, the fun, and the weather.

Laura @ Our Grand Lives said... {Reply}

Happy half wedding anniversary! A getaway to Miami sounds like a wonderful way to escape winter for a few days! Thanks for the link up!

Jennifer Goodwin said... {Reply}

Those are beautiful pictures! What a great idea to get away to a sunny spot for the weekend. I'm about ready for that myself!

Dara @ Not In Jersey said... {Reply}

That's so fun!

Melynda@Scratch Made Food! said... {Reply}

Fun days to enjoy! So you might as well enjoy them all! Take care.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said... {Reply}

It has been an unusually cold winter this year. Happy half Anniversary!

Cloudia said... {Reply}

Thanks for sharing your joy and these beautiful photos. Aloha!