Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Tom Otterness Playground

Apparently, Tom Otterness' amazing sculptures aren't just in the subway stations and south waterfront, but also in a playground in Hell's Kitchen! Playground (fitting name...) is huge bronze sculpture of an elongated figure lounging in a tiny park a block from the Hudson river in Mid-town Manhattan.The legs double as two slides and the head is the top of a ladder through the body of the creation!
It was so cool to see toddlers whizzing down the legs and climbing all over the big hands and feet. Playgrounds are a key part of a city and this one sure is whimsical! 

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6 thoughts on the matter:

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said... {Reply}

What a cool playground and art exhibit in one!

Tom said... {Reply}

...I'm used to seeing his little people.

Dara @ Not In Jersey said... {Reply}

That is so cute!

csuhpat1 said... {Reply}

Wow, what a cool playground. Very nice.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said... {Reply}

Looks like a lot of fun there for the children.
Thank you for hosting!

Anna from Looking Fabulous @ Fifty said... {Reply}

It looks amazing, never seen anything like it before. Anna https://lookingfabulousat50.blogspot.com/