Monday, August 5, 2024

The Good. The Random. The Fun. v. 31

The Good:
I had my 2nd bridal fitting this week! The dress is really feeling great with the first round of alterations. It should be ready to pick up soon! 

The Random:
My pre-teen years are flashing before my eyes...

The Fun:
I had the chance to take another Peloton class in person! I hadn't taken an Ally Love class in person yet and she was so fun and the class was super!

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the Good.Random.Fun. each Monday and Little Things Thursday...right here!

10 thoughts on the matter:

Handmade in Israel said... {Reply}

Exciting times!

Tea With Jennifer said... {Reply}

Such an exciting time for you Tamar!
Shalom, Jennifer

Tom said... {Reply}

...the years will continue to flash before our eyes!

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said... {Reply}

The big day must be getting close!!!

Dara @ Not In Jersey said... {Reply}

So exciting about the dress!

Melynda@Scratch Made Food! said... {Reply}

Busy and exciting all at once!

Cloudia said... {Reply}

Such a pleasure to enjoy these exciting times with you. Best wishes, Shalom and Aloha

Slabs said... {Reply}

Amazing, glad all your dreams coming true with this dress. Would love to see it in due course.
Thanks, Tamar, for hosting, may you have a good week.
My entries this week are numbered #28+29
Hope you will join/share M-Sat at

Lydia C. Lee said... {Reply}

Very exciting re the dress!! Enjoy it all!

packmom said... {Reply}

Can't wait to see your dress!